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Hye Sook Park

Park has helped persons with various mental health concerns including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic-stress disorder, grief, loss and personal growth. She has helped persons with various tools– through individual counselling services, group accompaniment, workshops etc. Her therapy is geared to help persons to discover their inner strengths to overcome their obstacles and to become stronger so that they can be autonomous and free and fully exercise the ownership of their lives.

Throughout her life, her life quest has been “living completeness and fulfillment”. When she first started taking workshops on Personality and Human Relations (PRH, Personnalité et Relations Humaines) program, she learned that healing and growth of a person starts in listening to the inner voice, in order to become fully oneself. She started her counselling career as family and youth counsellor in 2007 for part time. In 2013, She moved away entirely from her full time job as banker to become a registered clinical counsellor along with Master Degree on Clinical Psychology and joined BCACC (BC Association of Clinical Counsellors, member registration # 12128).

She wanted to live a more meaningful life than just making ends meet – she wanted a life that helps her grow to become who she is meant to be and at the same time helps others heal and grow from their hurts and experience joy from freedom and autonomy. Because she has experienced exhilarating joy and liberation through healing from the hurts and growing solid as person, she believes that inner liberation and growth to become oneself is critical in a persons’ living harmonious and satisfying life at one’s heart. She helps persons through in-depth listening to their inner aspiration and desires to become “who they are meant to be and to become more”.

In 2013 and 2014, she was also trained to become a trauma and anxiety specialist. She went through extensive training to help individuals to overcome acute anxiety and depression. She has become a certified trainer of OEI (Observed Experiential Integration) to be able to train therapists to help clients with anxiety and trauma. She  has also completed EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Therapy to further help persons suffering from anxiety and trauma.

Currently, she is on an extensive training of PRH (Personality and Human Relations, Personnalité et Relations Humaines) to become a licensed educator in order to help persons who aspire to heal from their depth and grow to fulfill their life meanings and goals.

Counselling Specializations

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