Anxiety (with a picture of a woman feeling anxious)
Anxiety is very common and is a treatable mental health condition. In fact, majority of people won’t go through a week, without feeling anxious and apprehensive at least once or twice* However, for some persons, the intense feeling of fear and anxiety could be very bothersome and debilitating with remarkable signs of significant interruptions on their performance level at their studies, work, or even house chores of their daily lives). And when it hits a person’s life this hard, then it is worthwhile checking if one may experience a clinical anxiety disorder. Studies show 16% of women and 9% of men experienced anxiety disorders in a year**
Anxiety covers various subtypes as below and they are very well known to general populations:
- Phobia,
- Panic Disorder,
- Generalized anxiety disorder,
- OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder),
- PTSD (post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
- and Acute Stress Disorder.
However hard it can be, and however forms it may appear, anxiety is treatable and there is hope in overcoming from anxiety and becoming even stronger and healthier after working through the fear and what debilitates oneself from it.
** from Davison, Blankstein, Flett, & Neale, 2013
** studies from Ontario Mental Health study of 1994